Free consultations! We try to make this affordable for all. Call today!
Free consultations! We try to make this affordable for all. Call today!
Each tutoring session focuses on one subject area. Within each subject area we offer remediation, reinforcement, acceleration, or test preparation.
A standard tutoring session lasts 50-60 minutes for elementary and middle school students. During this time, one subject area is the focus. One-on-one instruction is provided, along with learning through games, as well as online supplementary programs. If students are given an online account to a supplementary program, they are encouraged to use their account at home for additional reinforcement.
Although each session covers one subject area only, students are welcome to attend more than one session per week. No more than three sessions are encouraged each week because we want our students to consider their tutoring sessions fun, not additional school time after already spending a day at school. Multiple sessions can focus on the same subject or different subjects.
Because our educators have post graduate degrees, the standard cost of a tutoring session is $30.00. However, this is negotiable.
A 20% discount is offered to families who have multiple students attending sessions.
We also work with single parent households because we do not like to turn any students away.
A free session is awarded each time a current customer's name is mentioned by a new customer upon registration and attendance of their first session.
Additional contests are offered throughout the year with the winner receiving a free session.
We are happy to offer free initial consultations to answer additional questions.
Come visit us, ask questions, see what we offer. Parents are under no obligation to sign up for services.