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Free consultations! We try to make this affordable for all. Call today!
We have to brag about some of the outstanding work from our students that has amazed even us. When students have no limits set for them, it is truly amazing how far they will go.
We proudly claim this homeschooler! She took the ITBS as a 5th grader and is now in 6th grade. The ITBS says she is performing like a student in 10th grade! She has a limitless desire to learn and we see a future with endless possibilities.
CONGRATS KG! Don't ever lose your love of learning!
A student-created model of the planets, arranged in the correct order by distance from the sun, with a matching background.
5th grade was all about reading and writing this past year. A fifth grader read an informational article, wrote an analysis of the information read, and included evidence from the article to support her analysis. Great job!
This is awesome! Already an avid reader, this 5th grade homeschooler's mom decided to teach her 6th grade Reading and ELA standards (a plus about homeschool) since she scored so high at the beginning of the year. Good choice, Mom! Over two years growth and comprehending 9th grade stories. This particular assessment is from Moby Max.
A spontaneous trip to a park in Jacksonville was not only fun, but one student was able to cover his science lesson for the day by finding examples of weathering and animal adaptations he'd been learning about at home. Can you find the picture of the lizard using camouflage to hide?
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